Research Project FAKE-ID
Publications of FAKE-ID
Defending Informational Sovereignty by Detecting Deepfakes:Risks and Opportunities of an AI-Based Detector for Deepfake-Based Disinformation and Illegal Activities
Tahraoui, Milan; Krätzer, Christian; Dittmann, Jana Proceedings of the Weizenbaum Conference 2022: Practicing Sovereignty. Interventions for Open Digital Futures Berlin, 2023 DOI: 10.34669/wi.cp/4.14
Deepfakes – Artificial Intelligence as an Element of Political Influence and the Perspective of an Authenticity Test
Our FAKE-ID project was represented with a presentation at the annual conference of the Forum Privatheit in September 2021. Now the corresponding anthology has been published by Nomos Verlag as an open access EBook, in which our contribution can be found, which was written in cooperation with our project partners from Otto von Guericke University…
10th Research Forum of the HWR
More: 10th Research Forum of the HWR
FÖPS-Projects at the Global Meeting of the Law and Society Association 2022 in Lisbon (Portugal)
More: FÖPS-Projects at the Global Meeting of the Law and Society Association 2022 in Lisbon (Portugal)
Team Fake-ID on the 5th Hamburg Security Law Day
More: Team Fake-ID on the 5th Hamburg Security Law Day
Anna Louban
Hochschule für Wirtschaft und Recht – FB 5
Alt-Friedrichsfelde 60
10315 Berlin
e-mail: fake-id-projekt@hwr-berlin.de
Phone: +49 30 30877 2695